Brandenburg Map v 2.0.3
Version 2.0.3
- New environment installed and adjusted, which is now a bit windier in rain/thunderstorms and a small adjustment to the "ColorGrading" (if there are problems with this, please let me know)
- Traficspline has been adjusted a bit
- and again the good old parked cars (they kinda don't like me) hmm
• no new savegame necessary! (at least in my experience)
Version 2.0.0
Here is the V2, attention new savegame required!
- Farm revised and made salable (As far as it was possible)
- Launch vehicles revised
- Pig farm set separately (now no longer belongs to the farm, must be bought separately with the land)
- installed more AI splines
- 2 new points of sale
- installed its own production (sugar beet shredder) + price increase for this
- Woodchips are now sellable
- "Snow Mask" revised
- Adjusted fields
- Collision removed at the vehicle dealership, and at the entrance fences at the productions