Fed Production Pack

Fed Production Pack v 1.6

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2 years ago
5/5, 2 votes


latest Version v 1.6 2 years ago

Version 1.6 Pellets and Fischer + more malt and beer
- New production fisherman with production of plaice, herring, crab and lobster
- New production pellet factory with wood pellets, straw pellets and hay pellets from hay or lucerne hay
- More Lewer pallets at the sawmill thanks to two-shift operation
- Added wood and straw pellets to the thermal power station
- Sugar factory new production line molasses from sorghum
- Malt factory expanded to include a new type of malt, millet
- Malzfabrik now also has waste water
- Brewery expanded to include a new type of beer, Millet Fassbier
- Flour factory increased the roof at the grain delivery area
- Pipes at the water tanks of the pulp mill set a little lower
- Added 5 position for the water stations on the map at the sewage treatment plant
- Slightly increased the unloading trigger at the refinery
- Warning strips that appear when placed far away, for example on field 3, have been deleted
- Sugar factory error sewage treatment station fixed in the sugar factory and moved some containers
- Pulp mill empty pallet capacity slightly increased
- Moved the hay unloading trigger in the hay dryer a little further towards the middle
- Brewery, Pulp Mill, and Flour Mill level placement improved
- Slightly reduced pallet height at the flour factory
- Malzfabrik outlet pipe slightly increased

Version 1.5 flour factory dairy and sewage treatment plant
- New production flour factory with production of wheat flour, rye flour, spelled flour and bran as a by-product
- New production sewage treatment plant where compost and water are produced from waste water, liquid manure and fermentation residues
- New mini production waste water treatment plant, small station where waste water is produced with maintenance
- New production dairy with production of butter, whole milk, cream, cottage cheese and yoghurt, + waste water

Version 1.1.1 sawmill and lumberjack hut
- My first pallet production the sawmill
- Sawmill produces board pallets, empty pallets, OSB pallets, chipboard pallets and wood chips
- Lumberjack's hut for the production of log pallets as raw material for the sawmill
- Refinery main building now has collision
- Collision installed in the small fermenter silos
- All my productions are no longer targeted for missions.
- Filling level display for fertilizer production for liquid manure and manure tarpaulin added
- Thanks to Switty 003, productions with palettes can also be used on other maps

About Mod

Latest Version v 1.6
Game FS22
Category Objects
Game Version
Tags Pack
Downloads 2872
Created 2 years ago
Last Updated 2 years ago
Last Virus Scan 0/87
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