Gnadenthal Map

Gnadenthal Map v 1.6

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2 anni fa
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ultimo Versione v 1.6 3 mesi fa

Welcome to Gnadenthal, located in Manitoba, Canada. The map is based off the real town of Gnadenthal and the fields around it, but quite a bit of things were changed to improve gameplay. This map is 4x and has:
- Over 100 realistically sized fields.
- Contracts on all the fields.
- Support for swathing.
- New crops – Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet, Buckwheat, Lavender and Poppy.
- Three farms.
- Nearly 50 houses with individual farmlands and sleeping points.
- Two rivers, in which you can refill your trailers with water.
- 100 Collectibles.
- 4 Production sites.
- Refill points for seeds, solid and liquid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
This map is perfect for running big scale farming operations.
Hope you enjoy it!
To report bugs or give suggestions contact me on Discord. Iron Thunder#3369
- Manitoban license plates.
- Swather pack and Pickup header mods are no longer mandatory.
- New crops. Buckwheat, Lavender and Poppy.
- Removed custom weather due to it being buggy.
- Baseball net is now a placeable.
- Increased Heighttypes, and the map now supports Maizeplus.
- Mixerwagon now accepts Alfalfa and Clover hay, Alfalfa and Clover silage, Lentils, Triticale, Rye, Spelt.
- Added more paintable foliage.
- Fixed Alfalfa and Clover (Fresh and hay) being unsellable.
- Adjusted the refill point for seeds, solid fertilizer, lime and roadsalt.
- Reworked all roadsigns and collectible textures.
- Made it possible to sell manure, digestate and slurry at the animal dealer.
- Preplaced grain mill now accepts Millet, Spelt, Rye, Triticale to produce flour, it is also now a placeable.
- Preplaced oil mill now can produce Mustard Oil, it is also now a placeable.
- New modified spinnery placeable, accepts flax.
- Added a water filling point near the Blumengart grain sellpoint area.
- Flax is now swathable.
- Fixed traffic bug under F48.
- Added 18 additional paintable ground types.
- Added localisation to the new crop types.
- Added a new mod icon.
- Adjusted AI drive paths.
- Updated the river texture.
- Updated Precision Farming soilmap.
- Removed Relight lighting modification due to shadow issues.
- Fixed the Blumengart sellpoint.
- Fixed the bale trigger for Exports sellpoint.
- Potentially fixed the error for dedicated servers. ('mapCA/map.i3d.terrain.lod.type.cache' is too big. Size 32 MB (max 10 MB))
- New crops Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Support for swathing.
- Now possible to sell Straw, Grass, Hay and Silage at the Exports sellpoint.
- Slightly lowered the price of Lime from the buying point.
- Made the sellpoint trigger larger at Blumengart Grain.
- Removed collisions from all the signs.
- Fixed invisible tree above F67.68.
- Fixed invisible tree above F37, by the single shed.
New savegame required.
- New lighting by Suchscream called Relight.
- Fences in Blumengart are now sellable.
- The Dairy and the Bakery are now buyable only by land.
- Removed four fields, previously known as F70,71,72,73.
- Fixed grass going through some sheds.
- Fixed a collectible being inaccessible near the pressure washer.
- Fixed the New Farmer difficulty potato field having the wrong ground texture.
- All sellpoints now accept modded fillTypes.
- Expanded the AI drive paths.
- Fixed the double grain elevator in the farm north of the vehicle shop.
- Fixed textures flickering inside the vehicle shop.
- Fixed invisible trees between F14,17 and F15,18.
New save recommended, sellpoint changes will not be seen with an older save, but the invisible trees will reappear back.
- Added more roads around the fields.
- Added some missing grass around the map.
- Added placeable farmhouses with sleeping and wardrobe triggers.
- Added placeable decorations.
- Updated the mod icon.
- Fixed some houses facing the wrong way.
- Fixed the invisible shed near the animal dealer.
- Fixed Blumengart exports not accepting cotton and woodchip bales.
- Removed four fields, previously marked as F40,41,42,43 due to contracts giving too big rewards for their size.
- Added 100 collectibles.
- Added 4 production sites. (Flour mill, Oil mill, Bakery and Dairy).
- Added the option to sell houses, they also now have a wardrobe trigger.
- Added refill points for seed, liquid and solid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
- Added the stone crusher.
- Added a sellpoint for potatoes and sugar beets, you can no longer sell them in the Blumengart Grain sellpoint.
- Added another farm north of the shop.
- Added Methane and Electricity recharge points.
- Fixed the 31% fertilizer bug, which also made some contracts fail.
- Fixed the invisible trees near F53.
- Fixed the plowed texture on a ready to harvest field 51.
- Fixed grass going through some of the preplaced sheds.

Iron Thunder

Welcome to Gnadenthal, located in Manitoba, Canada. The map is based off the real town of Gnadenthal and the fields around it, but quite a bit of things were changed to improve gameplay. This map is 4x and has:
- Over 100 realistically sized fields.
- Contracts on all the fields.
- Support for swathing.
- New crops – Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Three farms.
- Nearly 50 houses with individual farmlands and sleeping points.
- Two rivers, in which you can refill your trailers with water.
- 100 Collectibles.
- 4 Production sites.
- Refill points for seeds, solid and liquid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
This map is perfect for running big scale farming operations.
Hope you enjoy it!
To report bugs or give suggestions contact me on Discord. Iron Thunder#3369
- Preplaced grain mill now accepts Millet, Spelt, Rye, Triticale to produce flour, it is also now a placeable.
- Preplaced oil mill now can produce Mustard Oil, it is also now a placeable.
- New modified spinnery placeable, accepts flax.
- Added a water filling point near the Blumengart grain sellpoint area.
- Flax is now swathable.
- Fixed traffic bug under F48.
- Added 18 additional paintable ground types.
- Added localisation to the new crop types.
- Added a new mod icon.
- Adjusted AI drive paths.
- Updated the river texture.
- Updated Precision Farming soilmap.
- Removed Relight lighting modification due to shadow issues.
- Fixed the Blumengart sellpoint.
- Fixed the bale trigger for Exports sellpoint.
- Potentially fixed the error for dedicated servers. ('mapCA/map.i3d.terrain.lod.type.cache' is too big. Size 32 MB (max 10 MB))
- New crops Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Support for swathing.
- Now possible to sell Straw, Grass, Hay and Silage at the Exports sellpoint.
- Slightly lowered the price of Lime from the buying point.
- Made the sellpoint trigger larger at Blumengart Grain.
- Removed collisions from all the signs.
- Fixed invisible tree above F67.68.
- Fixed invisible tree above F37, by the single shed.
New savegame required.
- New lighting by Suchscream called Relight.
- Fences in Blumengart are now sellable.
- The Dairy and the Bakery are now buyable only by land.
- Removed four fields, previously known as F70,71,72,73.
- Fixed grass going through some sheds.
- Fixed a collectible being inaccessible near the pressure washer.
- Fixed the New Farmer difficulty potato field having the wrong ground texture.
- All sellpoints now accept modded fillTypes.
- Expanded the AI drive paths.
- Fixed the double grain elevator in the farm north of the vehicle shop.
- Fixed textures flickering inside the vehicle shop.
- Fixed invisible trees between F14,17 and F15,18.
New save recommended, sellpoint changes will not be seen with an older save, but the invisible trees will reappear back.
- Added more roads around the fields.
- Added some missing grass around the map.
- Added placeable farmhouses with sleeping and wardrobe triggers.
- Added placeable decorations.
- Updated the mod icon.
- Fixed some houses facing the wrong way.
- Fixed the invisible shed near the animal dealer.
- Fixed Blumengart exports not accepting cotton and woodchip bales.
- Removed four fields, previously marked as F40,41,42,43 due to contracts giving too big rewards for their size.
- Added 100 collectibles.
- Added 4 production sites. (Flour mill, Oil mill, Bakery and Dairy).
- Added the option to sell houses, they also now have a wardrobe trigger.
- Added refill points for seed, liquid and solid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
- Added the stone crusher.
- Added a sellpoint for potatoes and sugar beets, you can no longer sell them in the Blumengart Grain sellpoint.
- Added another farm north of the shop.
- Added Methane and Electricity recharge points.
- Fixed the 31% fertilizer bug, which also made some contracts fail.
- Fixed the invisible trees near F53.
- Fixed the plowed texture on a ready to harvest field 51.
- Fixed grass going through some of the preplaced sheds.

Iron Thunder

Benvenuti a Gnadenthal, situata in Manitoba, Canada. La mappa è basata sulla vera città di Gnadenthal e sui campi che la circondano, ma molte cose sono state cambiate per migliorare il gameplay. Questa mappa è 4x e presenta:
- Oltre 100 campi di dimensioni realistiche.
- Contratti su tutti i campi.
- Supporto per l'andanatura.
- Nuove colture: lino, lenticchie, piselli, erba medica, trifoglio, triticale, segale, farro, senape, miglio.
- Calendario meteo e di crescita personalizzato.
- Tre fattorie.
- Quasi 50 case con terreni agricoli individuali e punti di riposo.
- Due fiumi, in cui è possibile rifornire d'acqua i rimorchi.
- 100 oggetti da collezione.
- 4 siti di produzione.
- Punti di rifornimento per semi, fertilizzanti solidi e liquidi, calce, erbicidi e sale.
Questa mappa è perfetta per gestire operazioni agricole su larga scala.
Spero che vi piaccia!
Per segnalare bug o dare suggerimenti contattatemi su Discord. Tuono di ferro#3369
- Aggiunti 18 tipi di terreno verniciabili.
- Aggiunta la localizzazione ai nuovi tipi di terreno.
- Aggiunta una nuova icona per la mod.
- Regolati i percorsi di guida dell'IA.
- Aggiornata la texture del fiume.
- Aggiornata la mappa del terreno per l'agricoltura di precisione.
- Rimossa la modifica dell'illuminazione Relight a causa di problemi con le ombre.
- Corretto il punto di vendita Blumengart.
- Corretto l'innesco delle balle per il punto vendita Esportazioni.
- Potenzialmente corretto l'errore per i server dedicati. ('mapCA/map.i3d.terrain.lod.type.cache' è troppo grande. Dimensione 32 MB (max 10 MB))
- Nuove colture Lino, Lenticchie, Piselli, Erba medica, Trifoglio, Triticale, Segale, Farro, Senape, Miglio.
- Calendario meteo e di crescita personalizzato.
- Supporto per l'andanatura.
- Ora è possibile vendere paglia, erba, fieno e insilati al punto vendita Esportazioni.
- Ridotto leggermente il prezzo della calce dal punto di acquisto.
- Ingrandito l'innesco del punto vendita a Blumengart Grain.
- Rimosse le collisioni da tutti i cartelli.
- Corretto l'albero invisibile sopra F67,68.
- Corretto l'albero invisibile sopra F37, vicino al capanno singolo.
Richiesto un nuovo savegame.
- Nuova illuminazione di Suchscream chiamata Relight.
- I recinti di Blumengart sono ora vendibili.
- La Latteria e la Panetteria sono ora acquistabili solo via terra.
- Rimossi quattro campi, precedentemente noti come F70,71,72,73.
- Corretta l'erba che passava attraverso alcuni capannoni.
- Corretto un collezionabile inaccessibile vicino all'idropulitrice.
- Corretto il campo di patate a difficoltà Nuovo agricoltore che aveva una texture del terreno sbagliata.
- Tutti i sellpoint ora accettano i tipi di riempimento modificati.
- Ampliati i percorsi di guida dell'IA.
- Corretto il doppio ascensore per il grano nella fattoria a nord del negozio di veicoli.
- Corretto lo sfarfallio delle texture all'interno del negozio di veicoli.
- Corretti gli alberi invisibili tra F14,17 e F15,18.
Si raccomanda un nuovo salvataggio, le modifiche ai sellpoint non saranno visibili con un vecchio salvataggio, ma gli alberi invisibili riappariranno.
- Aggiunte altre strade intorno ai campi.
- Aggiunta dell'erba mancante intorno alla mappa.
- Aggiunte fattorie posizionabili con trigger per dormire e guardaroba.
- Aggiunte decorazioni posizionabili.
- Aggiornata l'icona della mod.
- Sistemate alcune case rivolte nella direzione sbagliata.
- Corretto il capanno invisibile vicino al rivenditore di animali.
- Corretta l'esportazione di Blumengart che non accettava balle di cotone e cippato.
- Rimossi quattro campi, precedentemente contrassegnati come F40,41,42,43 a causa di contratti che davano ricompense troppo grandi per le loro dimensioni.
- Aggiunti 100 oggetti da collezione.
- Aggiunti 4 siti di produzione. (Mulino, Frantoio, Panificio e Caseificio).
- Aggiunta l'opzione di vendere le case, che ora hanno anche un trigger per il guardaroba.
- Aggiunti punti di rifornimento per sementi, fertilizzanti liquidi e solidi, calce, diserbanti e sale.
- Aggiunta la frantumazione delle pietre.
- Aggiunto un punto vendita per le patate e le barbabietole da zucchero, non è più possibile venderle nel punto vendita del Grano di Blumengart.
- Aggiunta un'altra fattoria a nord del negozio.
- Aggiunti i punti di ricarica del metano e dell'elettricità.
- Risolto il bug del 31% di fertilizzante, che faceva fallire alcuni contratti.
- Corretti gli alberi invisibili vicino a F53.
- Corretta la texture dell'aratro su un campo pronto per il raccolto 51.
- Corretto il problema dell'erba che attraversa alcuni capannoni preposizionati.

Iron Thunder

Welcome to Gnadenthal, located in Manitoba, Canada.
- Fixed the Blumengart sellpoint.
- Fixed the bale trigger for Exports sellpoint.
- Potentially fixed the error for dedicated servers. ('mapCA/map.i3d.terrain.lod.type.cache' is too big. Size 32 MB (max 10 MB))
- New crops Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Support for swathing.
- Now possible to sell Straw, Grass, Hay and Silage at the Exports sellpoint.
- Slightly lowered the price of Lime from the buying point.
- Made the sellpoint trigger larger at Blumengart Grain.
- Removed collisions from all the signs.
- Fixed invisible tree above F67.68.
- Fixed invisible tree above F37, by the single shed.
New savegame required.
- New lighting by Suchscream called Relight.
- Fences in Blumengart are now sellable.
- The Dairy and the Bakery are now buyable only by land.
- Removed four fields, previously known as F70,71,72,73.
- Fixed grass going through some sheds.
- Fixed a collectible being inaccessible near the pressure washer.
- Fixed the New Farmer difficulty potato field having the wrong ground texture.
- All sellpoints now accept modded fillTypes.
- Expanded the AI drive paths.
- Fixed the double grain elevator in the farm north of the vehicle shop.
- Fixed textures flickering inside the vehicle shop.
- Fixed invisible trees between F14,17 and F15,18.
New save recommended, sellpoint changes will not be seen with an older save, but the invisible trees will reappear back.
- Added more roads around the fields.
- Added some missing grass around the map.
- Added placeable farmhouses with sleeping and wardrobe triggers.
- Added placeable decorations.
- Updated the mod icon.
- Fixed some houses facing the wrong way.
- Fixed the invisible shed near the animal dealer.
- Fixed Blumengart exports not accepting cotton and woodchip bales.
- Removed four fields, previously marked as F40,41,42,43 due to contracts giving too big rewards for their size.
- Added 100 collectibles.
- Added 4 production sites. (Flour mill, Oil mill, Bakery and Dairy).
- Added the option to sell houses, they also now have a wardrobe trigger.
- Added refill points for seed, liquid and solid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
- Added the stone crusher.
- Added a sellpoint for potatoes and sugar beets, you can no longer sell them in the Blumengart Grain sellpoint.
- Added another farm north of the shop.
- Added Methane and Electricity recharge points.
- Fixed the 31% fertilizer bug, which also made some contracts fail.
- Fixed the invisible trees near F53.
- Fixed the plowed texture on a ready to harvest field 51.
- Fixed grass going through some of the preplaced sheds.
The map is based off the real town of Gnadenthal and the fields around it, but quite a bit of things were changed to improve gameplay. This map is 4x and has:
- Over 100 realistically sized fields.
- Contracts on all the fields.
- Support for swathing.
- New crops – Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Three farms.
- Nearly 50 houses with individual farmlands and sleeping points.
- Two rivers, in which you can refill your trailers with water.
- 100 Collectibles.
- 4 Production sites.
- Refill points for seeds, solid and liquid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
This map is perfect for running big scale farming operations.
Hope you enjoy it!
To report bugs or give suggestions contact me on Discord. Iron Thunder#3369

Iron Thunder

Welcome to Gnadenthal, located in Manitoba, Canada.
- New crops Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Support for swathing.
- Now possible to sell Straw, Grass, Hay and Silage at the Exports sellpoint.
- Slightly lowered the price of Lime from the buying point.
- Made the sellpoint trigger larger at Blumengart Grain.
- Removed collisions from all the signs.
- Fixed invisible tree above F67.68.
- Fixed invisible tree above F37, by the single shed.
The map is based off the real town of Gnadenthal and the fields around it, but quite a bit of things were changed to improve gameplay. This map is 4x and has:
- Over 100 realistically sized fields.
- Contracts on all the fields.
- Support for swathing.
- New crops – Flax, Lentils, Peas, Alfalfa, Clover, Triticale, Rye, Spelt, Mustard, Millet.
- Custom weather and growth calendar.
- Three farms.
- Nearly 50 houses with individual farmlands and sleeping points.
- Two rivers, in which you can refill your trailers with water.
- 100 Collectibles.
- 4 Production sites.
- Refill points for seeds, solid and liquid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
This map is perfect for running big scale farming operations.
Hope you enjoy it!
To report bugs or give suggestions contact me on Discord. Iron Thunder#3369
New savegame required.
- New lighting by Suchscream called Relight.
- Fences in Blumengart are now sellable.
- The Dairy and the Bakery are now buyable only by land.
- Removed four fields, previously known as F70,71,72,73.
- Fixed grass going through some sheds.
- Fixed a collectible being inaccessible near the pressure washer.
- Fixed the New Farmer difficulty potato field having the wrong ground texture.
- All sellpoints now accept modded fillTypes.
- Expanded the AI drive paths.
- Fixed the double grain elevator in the farm north of the vehicle shop.
- Fixed textures flickering inside the vehicle shop.
- Fixed invisible trees between F14,17 and F15,18.
New save recommended, sellpoint changes will not be seen with an older save, but the invisible trees will reappear back.
- Added more roads around the fields.
- Added some missing grass around the map.
- Added placeable farmhouses with sleeping and wardrobe triggers.
- Added placeable decorations.
- Updated the mod icon.
- Fixed some houses facing the wrong way.
- Fixed the invisible shed near the animal dealer.
- Fixed Blumengart exports not accepting cotton and woodchip bales.
- Removed four fields, previously marked as F40,41,42,43 due to contracts giving too big rewards for their size.
- Added 100 collectibles.
- Added 4 production sites. (Flour mill, Oil mill, Bakery and Dairy).
- Added the option to sell houses, they also now have a wardrobe trigger.
- Added refill points for seed, liquid and solid fertilizer, lime, herbicide and salt.
- Added the stone crusher.
- Added a sellpoint for potatoes and sugar beets, you can no longer sell them in the Blumengart Grain sellpoint.
- Added another farm north of the shop.
- Added Methane and Electricity recharge points.
- Fixed the 31% fertilizer bug, which also made some contracts fail.
- Fixed the invisible trees near F53.
- Fixed the plowed texture on a ready to harvest field 51.
- Fixed grass going through some of the preplaced sheds.

Iron Thunder

Informazioni su Mod

Ultima versione v 1.6
Gioco FS22
Categoria Oggetti
Versione del gioco
Scarica 610
Creato 2 anni fa
Ultimo aggiornamento 3 mesi fa