Open Air Garden
Ostatnia aktualizacja
2 lata temu
Improvement of the unloading trigger of the garden, that it works for the small Abi tanks and truck tanks and trailers.
Improvement of the unloading trigger of the garden, that it works for the small Abi tanks and truck tanks and trailers.
This is a garden for growing vegetables and fruit outdoors.
In winter, a plastic foil greenhouse appears, protecting the plants from the cold weather.
In addition to tomatoes, lettuce and strawberries, you can grow potatoes and sunflowers in this garden.
The potatoes and sunflowers are delivered in open pallet boxes.
In addition to the standard recipes, where water is sufficient as an ingredient, there are also recipes with seed and fertilizer or seed and manure.
These additional recipes bring more and faster plant growth. This gives you more profit than the pure water recipes.
Price for the garden: $2,000
Daily upkeep: $10
In winter, a plastic foil greenhouse appears, protecting the plants from the cold weather.
In addition to tomatoes, lettuce and strawberries, you can grow potatoes and sunflowers in this garden.
The potatoes and sunflowers are delivered in open pallet boxes.
In addition to the standard recipes, where water is sufficient as an ingredient, there are also recipes with seed and fertilizer or seed and manure.
These additional recipes bring more and faster plant growth. This gives you more profit than the pure water recipes.
Price for the garden: $2,000
Daily upkeep: $10
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Wersja: 2 lata temu
Wielkość całkowita: 0 B FS22_openAirGarden.zip external pobierz · dodano 2 lata temu
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