Angeliter Land v 3.0
Latest Update
This is the last version of the map. For me the map is ready. If there are still serious errors, I will fix them. But nothing more will be added. Thank you for the many positive feedback and have fun farming.
- AI traffic has been reworked, it no longer stops when turning.
- At the difficulty level "Starting from scratch" (Hard) you have nothing at the beginning
- Larger animal stables were installed. (These can be demolished and built into the standard stables)
- buyable areas revised (unused land can be bought)
- Schafhof, Pferdehof got a working farmhouse (can be removed, but no new farmhouse can be placed if you already own one.
- Sheep yard, horse yard, pig yard are now fully customizable like the main yard
- German license plates were added
- Removed water sounds on tile 2 and 3
- Removed collision at Schafhof
- PDA map updated
- Productions slightly adjusted
- Productions can now be bought with the associated land. In addition, you can now tear them away if they belong to you in order to build your own productions.
- Added 10 more search objects
- Added bread sell point
- Added traffic signs, crash barriers
- Made many decoration adjustments
- Installed wind turbines now move
Welcome to Angelite Land!
- Buyable land for the sheep farm
- Added trigger marking at the vehicle shop for selling etc.
- Added vehicle shop icon on the map + teleport
- Added cattle market / animal dealer icon on the map + teleport
This is a fictional map. There are medium-large fields. A large forest area for forestry work.
Onkel aka Onkel2000
Download Latest Version Files
Version: v 3.0Updated: 3 years ago
Total Size: 356.2 MB FS22_angeliter_land.zip external download · 356.2 MB · added 3 years ago
Hello, I don't know how to operate the automatic mixer linked to the cow shed. Can you help me?
bonjour, Je ne sais pas comment faire fonctionner le mélangeur automatique lié au hangard des vaches. Pouvez-vous m'aider?
hello I don't know how to operate the automatic blender that's attached to the cow shed. Can you help me?
hello I don’t know how to operate the automatic blender that’s attached to the cow shed. Can you help me?
I am missing the tires of the vehicles in the yard and in the store. When I want to buy vehicles in the store they also appear without tires
Bei mir Fehlen die Reifen der Fahrzeuge auf dem Hof und im Shop. Wenn ich im Shop Fahrzeuge kaufen möchte erscheinen diese auch ohne reifen
I can not confirm. Runs wonderfully
Kann ich nicht bestätigen. Läuft wunderbar
other "log error" : 2022-01-18 03:40 The texture streaming needs to <UvUsage>work efficiently, custom shader: data/fs19support/shaders/buildingShader.xml 2022-01-18 03:40 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/waterplane/shaders/oceanShader.xml'. 2022-01-18 03:40 Error: Missing dds file 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/waterplane/water_normal.dds'. 2022-01-18 03:40 Error: Can't load resource 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/waterplane/water_normal.dds'.</UvUsage>
autre "log error" : 2022-01-18 03:40 The texture streaming needs <UvUsage> to work efficiently, custom shader: data/fs19support/shaders/buildingShader.xml 2022-01-18 03:40 Error: Failed to open xml file 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/waterplane/shaders/oceanShader.xml'. 2022-01-18 03:40 Error: Missing dds file 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/waterplane/water_normal.dds' 2022-01-18 03:40 Error: Can't load resource 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/waterplane/water_normal.dds'.
Latest version?
Neuste version?
beautiful card as I expected one!! beautiful work I love. I'm looking forward to a future update: I have a "log error": Error: Can't load resource 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_angeliter_land/maps/mapFR/sellingStation/sellingStationGeneric/store_sellingStation.png'.
magnifique carte comme j'en attendais une !! beau travail j'adore. pour une prochaine mise à jour: j'ai une "log error": Error: Can't load resource 'D:/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_angeliter_land/maps/mapFR/sellingStation/sellingStationGeneric/store_sellingStation.png'.
Is fixed in the latest version
Ist gefix in der neusten version
Hi, do I have to start a new savegame?
Hi, muss ich da ein neues Savegame anfangen?