FS22 Courseplay v
Latest Update
Courseplay Beta for Farming Simulator 2022 Added all known translations as a tamplete from EN Translation.
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Note that the current version has no multiplayer support!
What Works
Course generation
Field work but no refill or unload, except combine self unload
Save/load courses
There is now a CP Fieldwork job available on the helper screen. After you select it, choose a target position the field you want work on and the Open/Close Course Generator button. Generate the course and start the job.
Developer version
Please be aware you're using a developer version, which may and will contain errors, bugs, mistakes and unfinished code. Chances are you computer will explode when using it. Twice. If you have no idea what "beta", "alpha", or "developer" means and entails, steer clear. The Courseplay team will not take any responsibility for crop destroyed, savegames deleted or baby pandas killed.
You have been warned.
If you're still ok with this, please remember to post possible issues that you find in the developer version. That's the only way we can find sources of error and fix them. Be as specific as possible:
tell us the version number
only use the vehicles necessary, not 10 other ones at a time
which vehicles are involved, what is the intended action?
Post! The! Log! to Gist or PasteBin
For more details on how to post a proper bug report, visit our Wiki
Peter Vaiko
Logo Design by Finals Farming
Download Latest Version Files
Version: v 2 years ago
Total Size: 2.89 MB
About Mod
Latest Version | v |
Game | FS22 |
Category | Gameplay |
Game Version | |
Tags | Essential Featured |
Downloads | 81003 |
Created | 3 years ago |
Last Updated | 2 years ago |
Last Virus Scan |
More Details |
Hello, If CP is running when mowing, is it possible that the two mowers are lifted independently at the end of the course when a mowing combination is fitted to the tractor? So first the front and then the rear mower? Currently, the mower is only lifted when the last mower has left the standing grass. LG
Hallo, Wenn CP beim mähen läuft, ist es möglich, dass bei einer Mähkombi am Traktor die beiden Mähwerke unabhängig am Kursende gehoben werden. Also zuerst das vordere und dann das Heckmähwerk? Aktuell wird erst gehoben, wenn das letzte Mähwerk das stehende Gras verlassen hat. LG
nic nierozumiem xd
is it possible to change version in the same backup? if I go from version to the last one it stops loading at 85% and it crashes!
est-il possible de changer de version dans la meme sauvegarde ? si je passe de la version a la derniere ca arrete de charger a 85% et c'est planter !!
When can I throw cp on my server ??
Wann kann ich cp auf meinen Server werfen ??
When attaching the itrunner container the truck takes a flying hour, hope you get it right, thanks a lot
Beim anhängen des itrunner containers nimmt der lkw eine flugstunde, hoffe ihr bekommt das hin, vielen dank
When threshing it starts normally on the course and after a while it just stops and I can't get in via the next waypoint either. Is there a solution for this?
Beim dreschen startet er ganz normal auf dem Kurs und nach einiger Zeit stoppt er einfach und ich kann auch nicht mehr über den nächsten Wegpunkt einsteigen. Gibt es dafür eine Lösung?
Would be really happy to know when ca MP comes out can imagine of course that will not be easy but vlt just any wages date or month
Würde mich echt freuen zu wissen wann ca MP rauskommt kann mir natürlich vorstellen das das nicht ganz einfach sein wird aber vlt einfach irgend ein wages datum oder monat
runs but already long on MP lol
läuft doch schon längst auf MP lol
At the beginning the folders can be labeled normally but after a while I can only enter 3 letters and not a whole word.
Am anfang lassen sich die Ordner noch normal beschriften aber nach einiger Zeit lassen sich bei mir nur noch 3 Buchstaben eingeben und kein ganzes Wort mehr.
I also have the same problem. Thanks for fixing :D
Das gleiche Problem besteht auch bei mir. Danke fürs beheben :D
when is the mod for MP coming?
wann kommt der mod für MP?
Mp would be really cool would be so happy if it finally comes
Mp wäre echt geil wäre so froh wenn es endlich kommt
Jaaa please finally MP...
Jaaa bitte endlich MP…
No playa course, only debugger starts and that's it. (((
курс плея нет, только дебугер запускается и всё. (((
There's no course of play here.... And neither are the Pandas.
Тут нету курс плея....И Панд ТОже Ыыыы