Letzte Aktualisierung
vor 2 Jahren
- New production pulp mill
- New production special feed and leavening agent production
- All power generators in the Generators category have received a display, the wrench has been removed
- Added translation for liquid fertilizer tank and herbicide tank
- Added Spanish and Russian translation
- New cattle pastures at the cattle dealer for purely decorative purposes
- The Mod Revamp from version is required for the automatic power distribution
A new savegame is required
- New production pulp mill
- New production special feed and leavening agent production
- All power generators in the Generators category have received a display, the wrench has been removed
- Added translation for liquid fertilizer tank and herbicide tank
- Added Spanish and Russian translation
- New cattle pastures at the cattle dealer for purely decorative purposes
- The Mod Revamp from version is required for the automatic power distribution
A new savegame is required
The history of the multimap goes back to FS13. Multimap stood for multifruits and multiproductions. Arrived in FS22, the name stands more for multi-productions. The landscape is purely fictional and set somewhere in Germany.
- Size 4 times
- There are a total of 42 fields with field sizes of approx. 7 ha to 62 ha.
- There are 4 prepared farms available for MP and one prepared farm for SP (only in the New Farmer level).
- 47 pre-installed productions, all productions, with a few exceptions, require electrical energy to operate. Numerous energy suppliers are available for this purpose.
- All productions have been fully adapted to the Script Revamp.
- 23 points of sale
- 68 buyable spaces
- Large barns with extended capacities
- Adjusted growing times
- Own customized trailers in the shop in their own category
- Open spaces for own development
[LSMT]FalPos/LS Mapping Team
- Size 4 times
- There are a total of 42 fields with field sizes of approx. 7 ha to 62 ha.
- There are 4 prepared farms available for MP and one prepared farm for SP (only in the New Farmer level).
- 47 pre-installed productions, all productions, with a few exceptions, require electrical energy to operate. Numerous energy suppliers are available for this purpose.
- All productions have been fully adapted to the Script Revamp.
- 23 points of sale
- 68 buyable spaces
- Large barns with extended capacities
- Adjusted growing times
- Own customized trailers in the shop in their own category
- Open spaces for own development
[LSMT]FalPos/LS Mapping Team
Dateien der neuesten Version herunterladen
Version: vor 2 Jahren
Gesamtgröße: 0 B FS22_Multimap.zip external herunterladen · hinzugefügt. vor 2 Jahren
Mir ist aufgefallen das das 10m Schiebetor nach jedem Spielstart offen steht und auch nicht mit Animated Object Extend zusammenarbeitet, also kein automatisches öffnen und schliessen beim heranfahren :-( (das Metalltor das man beim Bauen setzen kann ) Vielleicht ist das ja auch bewusst so ? Mir jedenfalls passt es nicht das die Tore immer offen stehen und man sie manuell schliessen muss und das nach jedem Spielstart ;) Falls das noch jemand so sieht, hier der WorkAround um es zu ändern und auch Animated Object Extend zum automatischen öffnen und schliessen zu nutzen: In der Map im Ordner placeables den Ordner "slidingGate10m" öffnen und dann in der Datei "slidingGate10m.xml" die Beiden Zeilen wie hier ändern : <autoOpen use="false" /> <controls triggerNode="playerTrigger" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openGate" negText="action_closeGate" autoopen="true"/>