



joined 3 years ago

active 7 months ago

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commercial links are totally off, they have no place here from my point of view :-( commercial links are not right in a mod base side :-(

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@Mikesch I don't think so, because it's not nice when it's always about money :-( in these platforms free MODs are exchanged and not those that are commercial and for which you have to pay... these DLCs are offered for sale by GIANTS on enough sites ! You don't have to do that again just to reach more payers... there should also be places where you are spared from the commerce... except for the income generated by the many visitors here anyway... that's enough... that's my opinion and I'm allowed to say it, just like everyone else...

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on Multimap
2 years ago

I noticed that the 10m sliding gate is open after every game start and does not work with Animated Object Extend, so no automatic opening and closing when approaching :-( (the metal gate that you can set when building) Maybe this is deliberate ? In any case, I don't like the fact that the gates are always open and you have to close them manually after every game start ;) If someone else sees it that way, here is the WorkAround to change it and also use Animated Object Extend to open and close them automatically: In the map in the folder placeables open the folder "slidingGate10m" and then in the file "slidingGate10m.xml" change the two lines like here : <autoOpen use="false" /> <controls triggerNode="playerTrigger" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openGate" negText="action_closeGate" autoopen="true"/>

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3 years ago

So if you just adapt the HKL Scania that I once uploaded, then you should also do it right and take the hook lift ( function ) out. Not well done ...

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2 years ago

Constantly my MODS`s are posted here.... I don`t understand... wrong version numbers and double and triple... seems like FarmFan and Petruk are some bods ?! Here is MY original !!! Only this is updated by me too !!!

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This is the biggest impudence, to mess up my name and my MOD like this and to upload it :-( Something like this should be punished !!! I dissociate myself from such a bad and stolen MOD !!! Wobby

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Original MOD findet Ihr bei mir !, weil das mal wieder MEINER ist , der hier geteilt und doppelt geuppt wird ....

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Hallo - Fahrdynamik und Abstimmmung sind in Ordnung - die Sounds sind etwas &quot;overdressed&quot; das &quot;röhren&quot; bei höheren Drezahlen stört etwas - die Radkästen vorn sind schon lange in all diesen Fortsetzungen, bei meinem HKL auch, zu eng die Räder liegen beim Einschlagen an :-( - eine Doppelachse hinten wäre schön Trotzdem freue ich mich das der vom Outfit gecleant und nicht mit irgendwelchen Gimmiks überladen ist und es endlich ein paar SCANIA gibt die man auch nutzen kann

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I'll join in: The tractor takes far too long to come to a stop. Even braking does not solve this. From my point of view, the "brakeForce" index is missing in the XML.

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Very very cool !!! - dynamic semi turn signals ..horny made - Exterior cameras instead of mirrors , very nice - Driving dynamics and acceleration and controllability are good I like :-) Thanks for this - the fog lights still need to on ;-)

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