VehicleInspector v 1.89 beta

Dernière mise à jour
Version 1.89 Beta
--new Implements view Warning Text Refuel/Damage % *needs View Warnings --Is Damage Text On/Is Fuel Empty Text On--* (user wunsch)
(Prio, Blocking,Water,Damage,Fuel) (set GUI Menue % values)
--new view Overload Text (GUI Menue --View Overload Text--)
(vehicleInspectorSettings.xml (isOverload="Text") ---> View Text Display) (View Icon Display / set Automatic Default Overload Icon)
--set new Wait Color Type for AD (Yellow)
--fix can Loaded FillTypes (Gui Menue On/Off Trigger)
--fix Ghost Line and Background
--fix Background Width and Only Controlled
The VehicleInspector is designed to give you a quick overview of your vehicles. What are they doing/what do they have loaded/which ones are active etc. etc.
In multiplayer and singleplayer play.
This is a Simple Convert version from my VehicleInspector LS19 so the wait won't be too long for you.
!!! Not everything works and not everything is enabled !!
!!! You can use the vehicleInspectorSettings.xml from the LS19 !!
This Convert version will not be developed further. You will have to wait for the new LS 22 VehicleInspector 1.7x.
Player names are no longer displayed, so you can still see if another player is currently in the vehicle, please go to the ....xml and change this value to
<seePlayerName boolean="false"/>
Télécharger les fichiers de la dernière version
Version: v 1.89 betaMise à jour de: il y a 3 ans
Taille totale: 189.43 KB VehicleInspector_fs22planet.zip direct télécharger · 189.43 KB · ajouté il y a 3 ans