Helper Administration
With this mod, the helper names can be customized according to your wishes!
The number and name of the helpers can be adjusted in the in-game hud ("Shift-Links" + "-").
A maximum of 20 helpers can be configured, divided equally between men and women.
Furthermore, the helper costs can be adjusted to your own wishes!
important information:
- The settings menu can only be opened when no helpers are currently active!
- The helper names are only displayed correctly after saving and restarting the game (also applies to dedicated servers, helpers are registered when the game starts)
The number and name of the helpers can be adjusted in the in-game hud ("Shift-Links" + "-").
A maximum of 20 helpers can be configured, divided equally between men and women.
Furthermore, the helper costs can be adjusted to your own wishes!
important information:
- The settings menu can only be opened when no helpers are currently active!
- The helper names are only displayed correctly after saving and restarting the game (also applies to dedicated servers, helpers are registered when the game starts)
Scarica i file dell'ultima versione
Versione: 2 anni fa
Dimensione totale: 36 KB external scaricare · 36 KB · aggiunto 2 anni fa
Purtroppo, l'adeguamento dei costi non funziona più. I costi orari possono essere generati, ma se un aiutante inizia un lavoro su un campo, i costi standard LS sono ancora dedotti e diventa irrealisticamente costoso di nuovo :/ Penso che questo abbia bisogno di un aggiornamento.
Leider funktioniert die Kostenanpassung nicht mehr. Die Kosten pro Stunde lassen sich zwar generieren, startet ein Helfer jedoch einen Job auf einem Feld, werden weiterhin die LS Standard Kosten abgebucht und es wird wieder unrealistisch teuer :/ Denke, das benötigt ein Update