The Elmcreek Extension v 1.6
Latest Update
Changelog 11/27/22: V1.6.0
- All auxillary animal farms are now sellable
- lots of cosmetic fixes throughout the map
- Small garages and large quonset huts are now sellable
- Added 2 extra fields
- Items on marsh land are now sellable
- Leftover props now sell with properties
- Touched up property lines so more of the roads are plowable if you own the land
- Updated indoor mask
- New soil map
- Updated traffic splines for better traffic flow
- Removed 4 electric gates
- Added silage to GCEC sell point
- Added more AI splines to various locations throught the map
- Modified bail trigger at GCEC sell point
The Elmcreek Extension
The original Elmcreek twice as big3 Saw mills3 BGA'sAll of the original buy/sell points plus many moreLOTS of forest lands for logging161 Fields173 Purchasable propertiesAll placeables are sellablePre-built farms ready for useTrain now circles the map and is free to useLots, lots, more!
This is a must see map! If you enjoy the original Elmcreek, you are really going to like this. Please be aware that this is a beta release version. I fixed all the issues I was aware of but there may still be some things I missed. If you find any issues or errors that need to be fixed, please report them to me here at Modhub.us and I will push out the changes in a future update.
Change Log 4/16/22
Updated collision mapUpdated navigation collisionRepair AI (helpers) navigationRemoved obsolete filesFixed typo/file path errorSmall garage at starting farm now sellable
Bauer Brown (original Elmcreek by Giants)
Download Latest Version Files
Version: v 1.6Updated: 2 years ago
Total Size: 0 B https://www.modhub.us/farming-simulator-22-mods/the-elmcreek-extension-v160 external download · added 2 years ago
A very nice big map. BUT unfortunately you can not plant trees to decorate yourself.
Eine sehr schöne große Map. ABER leider kann man keine Bäume pflanzen zum selbst Dekorieren.
Hello, beautiful card. Everything is running fine. That with the loamy sand I do not have. Unfortunately, the houses and silos on the cow farm bother me, but can not sell you! Is that so intentional?
Hallo, schöne Karte. Läuft auch alles Prima. Das mit dem lehmigen Sand habe ich nicht. Leider stören mich die Häuser und Silos auf der Kuhfarm, kann Sie aber nicht verkaufen! Ist das so gewollt?
Hello! Tell me how to install a mod? downloading throwing in the folder mods but in the game can not find this map in the downloaded or in installed.... Can I look in the wrong place?
Здравствуйте! подскажите как установить мод? скачиваю закидываю в папку модс но в игре не могу найти эту карту ни в загруженных ни в установленных.... может не там ищу?
Seems like PRECISION FARMING does not bring anything on the map since 80% yield is max, meaning the harvest can be less than 80%, you have more costs than profit.
Scheint so, PRECISION FARMING bringt nichts auf der karte da 80% ertrag max sind heist die ernte kann unter 80% liegen man hat mehr kosten als gewinn
all surfaces are loamy sand. is this intentional?
alle Flächen sind lehmiger Sand. ist das Absicht?