Dernière mise à jour
dernier site
il y a 2 ans
- New production pulp mill
- New production special feed and leavening agent production
- All power generators in the Generators category have received a display, the wrench has been removed
- Added translation for liquid fertilizer tank and herbicide tank
- Added Spanish and Russian translation
- New cattle pastures at the cattle dealer for purely decorative purposes
- The Mod Revamp from version is required for the automatic power distribution
A new savegame is required
- New production pulp mill
- New production special feed and leavening agent production
- All power generators in the Generators category have received a display, the wrench has been removed
- Added translation for liquid fertilizer tank and herbicide tank
- Added Spanish and Russian translation
- New cattle pastures at the cattle dealer for purely decorative purposes
- The Mod Revamp from version is required for the automatic power distribution
A new savegame is required
The history of the multimap goes back to FS13. Multimap stood for multifruits and multiproductions. Arrived in FS22, the name stands more for multi-productions. The landscape is purely fictional and set somewhere in Germany.
- Size 4 times
- There are a total of 42 fields with field sizes of approx. 7 ha to 62 ha.
- There are 4 prepared farms available for MP and one prepared farm for SP (only in the New Farmer level).
- 47 pre-installed productions, all productions, with a few exceptions, require electrical energy to operate. Numerous energy suppliers are available for this purpose.
- All productions have been fully adapted to the Script Revamp.
- 23 points of sale
- 68 buyable spaces
- Large barns with extended capacities
- Adjusted growing times
- Own customized trailers in the shop in their own category
- Open spaces for own development
[LSMT]FalPos/LS Mapping Team
- Size 4 times
- There are a total of 42 fields with field sizes of approx. 7 ha to 62 ha.
- There are 4 prepared farms available for MP and one prepared farm for SP (only in the New Farmer level).
- 47 pre-installed productions, all productions, with a few exceptions, require electrical energy to operate. Numerous energy suppliers are available for this purpose.
- All productions have been fully adapted to the Script Revamp.
- 23 points of sale
- 68 buyable spaces
- Large barns with extended capacities
- Adjusted growing times
- Own customized trailers in the shop in their own category
- Open spaces for own development
[LSMT]FalPos/LS Mapping Team
Télécharger les fichiers de la dernière version
Version: à jour de: il y a 2 ans
Taille totale: 0 B FS22_Multimap.zip external télécharger · ajouté il y a 2 ans
J'ai remarqué que le portail coulissant de 10m reste ouvert après chaque lancement du jeu et qu'il ne fonctionne pas non plus avec Animated Object Extend, donc pas d'ouverture et de fermeture automatique en s'approchant :-( (la porte métallique que l'on peut placer lors de la construction ) Peut-être que c'est délibéré ? En tout cas, ça ne me convient pas que les portes soient toujours ouvertes et qu'on doive les fermer manuellement et ce après chaque démarrage du jeu ;) Si quelqu'un d'autre est de cet avis, voici le workAround pour le changer et utiliser Animated Object Extend pour l'ouverture et la fermeture automatique : Ouvrir le dossier "slidingGate10m" dans le dossier placeables de la map, puis modifier les deux lignes du fichier "slidingGate10m.xml" comme suit : <autoOpen use="false" /> <controls triggerNode="playerTrigger" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openGate" negText="action_closeGate" autoopen="true"/>
Mir ist aufgefallen das das 10m Schiebetor nach jedem Spielstart offen steht und auch nicht mit Animated Object Extend zusammenarbeitet, also kein automatisches öffnen und schliessen beim heranfahren :-( (das Metalltor das man beim Bauen setzen kann ) Vielleicht ist das ja auch bewusst so ? Mir jedenfalls passt es nicht das die Tore immer offen stehen und man sie manuell schliessen muss und das nach jedem Spielstart ;) Falls das noch jemand so sieht, hier der WorkAround um es zu ändern und auch Animated Object Extend zum automatischen öffnen und schliessen zu nutzen: In der Map im Ordner placeables den Ordner "slidingGate10m" öffnen und dann in der Datei "slidingGate10m.xml" die Beiden Zeilen wie hier ändern : <autoOpen use="false" /> <controls triggerNode="playerTrigger" posAction="ACTIVATE_HANDTOOL" posText="action_openGate" negText="action_closeGate" autoopen="true"/>