Production Info Hud v

Ultimo aggiornamento
HUD display for productions that need attention.
- Fix for "attempt to index field 'spec_husbandryFood' (a nil value)"
- MOH now also shows full and almost full when these are input and output products
- 0:00 should now always be displayed as empty
- Extensions are now included in the remaining time for productions
- Lua error with Farm Production DLC fixed
- Display colours red/orange/yellow improved
The current version has the following possibilities:
- Display of active productions and animal sheds with their remaining time per resource. Including the animal sheds for feed, water and straw. Revamp Mix is also displayed as such.
- A production is only displayed if...
-- it has less than 2 months remaining runtime.
-- it has less than 50% fill level. (Except for Revamp Mix inputs, where this is ignored).
-- The production line is activated.
- The display is sorted by remaining runtime, whichever runs empty or is empty first is at the top.
- Productions that are full are still above. These are displayed from a fill level of 95% so that they can be run down before the production comes to a stop.
- Full animal houses can be switched off in the options.
- How many productions are displayed can be set in the options.
- The font size is adjustable.
- The position can be set to top centre, under F1 menu or under Vehicle Inspector Mod display.
- Input Filltypes can be deactivated for display in the productions. Useful for Revamp Boosters that are not to be delivered.
- Revamp boosters can also be completely deactivated in the settings.
- The list is updated every 5 seconds.
Production overview:
- This shows all fill types and how much of them is needed.
- The overview can be switched to per year, month or hour.
- The yearly view shows the estimated acreage needed for crops (without PF or bonuses).
Sales help:
- If the sales price trigger mod is installed, it is displayed if the price is good and the products are available for sale. The following applies here:
-- A sales price must be set in the sales price trigger and this must be exceeded.
-- The quantity selected in the options must be available in a silo or production (no animal sheds).
- The display shows what can be fetched from where and sold to where.
MultiOverlayV4 Hud Help:
- Right click on production name and/or filltype filters the list to the clicked one
- right click on remaining time switches to display of free capacity
- Left click on the production name opens the production in the menu (only for productions)
Please report bugs or suggestions for improvement on Github.
Upload on other sites only by myself, linking only with original download link. NO substitute link!
Modifying and re-uploading in whole or in part is not allowed!
* Enhanced animal system mod compatibility
- Overcrowding is now displayed with remaining time until the health in the shed decreases (quantity display in MultiOverlayV4 Hud shows the overcrowding number as negative quantity)
- Full is no longer displayed when overcrowding is allowed in the shed
* Production revamp compatibility
- Completely hidden productions and hidden production lines are no longer displayed in the hud and in the production overview
- Optional outputs are now also displayed in the production overview if they are entered correctly for boosters
- Optional outputs of boosters are now included if they are also input in the remaining time calculation
* Other
- Quantity for grouped food is now also totalled correctly
- Menu position of the production overview should now always be above the production menu item as originally planned, regardless of whether other mods add pages or not.
- Support of the VariableOpeningTime mod by displaying the next opening time or closing time.
- Improved icon
- Production Info Hud own display is now hidden when the Hud is hidden
- Inputs that are also outputs should now be calculated correctly and also displayed in the hud
- Fixed a bug that displayed animal sheds in the own display even though the fill level was still above 50%
- Productions that are always on according to the GTX production script and therefore cannot be switched off are no longer displayed when they are full
- Parallel feeding is now displayed individually if the feeds do not reach the same length
- More lines adjustable
- Translations in spanish and french added
- Fix for inputs that are also outputs
- Invisible productions from GTX production script are no longer displayed
La prima versione dell'Info Hud sulle produzioni, conosciuto dalla LS 19.
Poiché la versione LS19 è stata costruita su dialoghi e metodi Global Company, questa prima versione è ora senza opzioni di impostazione.
La prima versione ha le seguenti proprietà non personalizzabili:
Visualizzazione delle produzioni attive con il loro tempo rimanente
Una produzione viene visualizzata solo se ...
ha meno di 72 ore rimanenti
ha meno del 50% di livello di riempimento
La visualizzazione è ordinata in base al tempo rimanente, quella che gira vuota o è vuota per prima viene mostrata in alto
Vengono mostrate solo 5 produzioni
Richieste e suggerimenti per il miglioramento così come messaggi di errore sono sempre benvenuti. Questi possono essere inviati a me su modhoster tramite commento o PN. Questi messaggi sono benvenuti anche sul mio Discord nel canale della mod. https://discord.gg/Eknn2DjZ
Scarica i file dell'ultima versione
Versione: v 9 mesi fa
Dimensione totale: 54.74 KB FS22_ProductionInfoHud_fs22planet.zip direct scaricare · 54.74 KB · aggiunto 9 mesi fa https://www.achimobil.de/ls-19-22-modding/ external scaricare · aggiunto 9 mesi fa
Non funziona nemmeno per me. Né con "Left-Shift + P" come descritto sopra, né con "Ctrl P" come mostrato nell'Hud.
Funktioniert bei mir auch nicht. Weder mit "Links-Shift + P" wie oben beschrieben, noch mit "Strg P" wie im Hud angezeigt.
@Achimobil Controllerò, grazie per la risposta rapida!!!
@Achimobil Werde ich prüfen, Danke für die schnelle Antwort!!!
Verificate se avete almeno una produzione che soddisfa i requisiti per essere visualizzata (meno di 2 mesi di tempo rimanente e meno del 50% di riempimento della casella di posta) e, in caso affermativo, controllate il log per individuare eventuali errori. Si prega di segnalare gli errori nel Discord con il log e le schermate.
Mal prüfen ob du auch mindestens eine Produktion hast, die die Anforderungen erfüllt um angezeigt zu werden (weniger als 2 Monate restlaufzeit und weniger als 50% füllstand im eingang) und wenn das so ist mal log auf fehler prüfen. Fehler dann im Discord melden bittte mit Log und Screens
Ehi, non viene visualizzato nulla per me. Devo attivarlo in qualche modo?
Hey bei mir wird da nix angezeigt. mus ich den irgennt wie aktievieren??